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The Move Progresses

We had some hiccups and setbacks, I had to change my approach to how I set up my sites, and it’s still not done to my satisfaction.

I haven’t even finished uploading all the content I want to put out there.

But I’ve made some progress. The Medieval Life page is up to date. I have a tale and some content on the Tales page. They also have a spiffed up look. That, by the way, was the most fun — playing with colors and picking the details of the layout.

Otter Creations is getting there, but more slowly. It needs more of an overhaul, so it may not see its full new incarnation until summer.

It’s always a bittersweet exercise to make so many updates. You may not even notice some of them, as they pertain to the “back end” of the site, technical adjustments and changes. WordPress functions with plugins, and some plugins I liked don’t work as well with newer versions of WordPress itself, so that also dictates a change in the look and time-consuming adjustments.

But at the same time, it often means I get to set up new widgets and features and play with “toys” and more colors!

Yet another black hole of not quite doing what my adult self should be doing… But I should be doing this too, right?